The mighty oysters compete in four different types of events - Downriver, Slalom, Freestyle, and Boatercross.
Downriver is just like it sounds. You paddle downstream as fast as you can. Most of these races occur on class 2 whitewater. When on these types of runs, the oysters will paddle long funny looking boats designed to cleave through the water and rocket downstream. On the harder runs, class 4 students will paddle creek boats.
Boatercross is a head to head downriver race with usually 4 to 6 competitors at a time. Your are disqualified for intentional contact.
Slalom is a timed event on a 100 yard stretch of river. Paddlers maneuver through gates in a set order and in a certain direction.
Penalty seconds are added for touching the gates, 2 seconds, and missing gates, 50 seconds.
Freestyle involves doing as many different tricks in a two one minute runs. They can occur in waves or wholes.